Friday, 6 May 2011

Graad 11: Praktiese Ondersoek

Graad/Grade 11        Praktiese ondersoek/Practical investigation       Termyn/Term 1
Lewensprosesse in Plante en diere / Life processes in plants and animal

Naam/Name: ___________________________
Disseksie van skaapnier/Dissection of sheep kidney
Skaapnier, Skalpel, Teel, Vergrootglas, Liniaal  /  Sheep kidney, Scalpel, Tile, Magnifying lens, Ruler
Aktiwiteit 1/Activity 1
Verwyder alle vet rondom die nier sonder om die bloedvate en die ureter te beskadig. / Remove all the fat surrounding the kidney and take care not to damage the blood vessels and the urether
1.  Watter funksie verrig die vetweefsel rondom die nier? / What is teh function of teh fat tissue around the kidney?                                                                                                            (1)
2.  Maak van die liniaal gebruik om die volgende dimensies van die nier te bepaal. / Use the ruler to determine the following dimensions of the kidney.                                                    (3)
a)  Lengte/Lenght  __________________________________________________________
b)  Breedte/Width  __________________________________________________________
c)  Dikte/Thickness  _________________________________________________________
3.  Watter bloedvat dring die nier binne?/Name the blood vessel that enters the kidney.      (1)
4.  Watter bloedvat verlaat die nier?/Name the blood vessel that exits the kidney.   (1)
5.  Hoe verskil die bou van die twee bloedvate van mekaar?/How does the structure of the two blood vessels differ from one another?                                                                              (1)
6.  Verwyder die nierkapsel versigtig.  Noem twee waarneembare kenmerke van die nierkapsel./Carefully remove the renal capsule of the kidney. Name two noticeable features of the renal capsule.                                                                                                                       (2)

Aktiwiteit 2/Activity 2
Sny die nier vanaf die konvekse kant deur tot in die nierbekken, maar sorg dat die twee helftes steeds aanmekaar geheg bly. Plaas die oopgevlekte nier op die teel. / Cut the kidney open from the convex side up to the pelvis.  Ensure that the two halves stay connected.  Place the open kidney on the tile.
7.  Teken `n netjiese diagram met byskrifte van `n lentesnit van die nier om die dele soos dit met die blote oog waargeneem word te toon. / Make a labelled drawing of the internal structure of the kidney to show the different parts which can be seen with the naked eye.

8.  Waarom is die nierkorteks dinkerder van kleur as die medulla? / Why is the renal capsule darker than the medulla?                                                                                                         (2)

Aktiwiteit 3/Activity 3
Ondersoek die nier met `n handlens / Investigate the kidney with a magnifying lens
9.  Wat word verteenwoordig deur: / What is represented by:                                               (1)
a)  die kolletjies in die korteks. / the dots in the cortex.
b)  die strepe in die medulla. / the stripes in the medulla.                                                      (1)

Rubriek vir assessrering van skets van nier / Rubric for assessment of drawing of kindey

Getekende strukrute is van swak visuelel gehalte.  Min of geen byskrifte. / Drawn structures of poor visual quality. Few or no labels.

Getekende structure is herkenbaar, maar buite verhouding.  Sommige dele is akkuraat benoem. / Drawn structures can be recognized, but are out of proportion.  Some parts are accurately labelled.

Getekende strukture is herkenbaar, duidelike tekenlyne, proporsioneel korrek. Akkuraat benoem. / Drawn structures can be recognized, clear drawing lines with correct proportion.  Accurately labelled.

Getekende strukture is van goeie visuele gehalte, netjiese en duidelike tekenlyne, proporsioneel korrek. Alle dele akkuraat benoem. / Drawn structures of good visual quality, clear and neat drawing lines with correct proportion.  All parts are accurately labelled.

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